As a solution provider for mature gas turbines, steam turbines and associated driven equipment, Greenray recognise the operational challenges our customers encounter on a daily basis. Our team of engineers and designers listen and provide deliverables to maintain production. This comes in the form of a number of options, including:

  • Upgrading damaged or redundant existing equipment
  • Consultancy, providing expert advice on a wide range of equipment, software and running issues
  • Training, to ensure that your personnel have the knowledge they need and safe practices, after the installation of  upgrades and retrofits

Many asset owners suffer from problems with access to product/technical support and documentation, component obsolescence leading to reduced availability, poor reliability and restricted operation. This can result in increased operating costs.

We can offer your team training through our bespoke courses to meet your specific requirements. Additionally, we offer Life-extension services to your turbine package and can also upgrade your systems to meet the industry best available techniques (BATs).