Control System Life-extensions
We are experts in legacy gas turbines and offer services with control system replacements, spares & updates. We can offer this service for most turbine packages that:
- Removes risks of obsolesce with low cost
- Updates the existing package fast and efficiently
As an addition to our suite of Gas Turbine LifEX solutions, we have launched the M2R – Rustonic® Mk II Rack replacement. A plug compatible modular solution, the M2R offers reduced costs and minimal machine outage when compared to a full control panel replacement, yet includes the latest touch screen HMI and SIL2 capable controls hardware.
Complementing an M2R installation are rack replacement Vibration and Fire Systems.
To download the M2R brochure, please scroll to the bottom of this page.
To find out more about the M2R, contact us and we will give you a dedicated response. Click here.

Package Health Checks
To limit unplanned overhauls and increase availability. As an addition to our servicing and repair services, we provide a comprehensive Non-Intervention Health Checks to your whole package.
Our turbine health checks ensure that minor issues are found, and work is carried out to fix the issues before they harm your engine. The service, which we already undertake with many of our onshore and offshore clients, can be customised to operator needs and ensures increased reliability and maintains safe operations.
- No downtime with Non-Intervention Health Checks
- Increased plant reliability and optimal performance
Or if you are ready to discuss your package health check needs further. Click here.