We provide a wide range of support from basic ad-hoc callout maintenance through to comprehensive integrated maintenance packages for the gas turbine to suit customer requirements. We support and maintain associated driven units and balance of plant. Coupled with our knowledgable engineering team and having access to the original design and manufacturing data, we provide a distinct advantage, when supporting GEC Gas turbine packages and RGT/ Siemens Energy legacy fleet operators.

The majority of packages that we service are based around variants of the GEC packaged Rolls-Royce Olympus, Avon, RB 211 and the Ruston Gas Turbines TA fleet. We also have experience of relocating complete gas turbine packages.
For more information, download our on-site repair and overhaul brochure, at the bottom of this page.
For more on our relationship with Siemens Energy. Click here
To find out how we can support your needs. Click here