We consider legal compliance to be one of our primary duties and we are fully committed to complying with the laws of the countries in which we do business. We expect our suppliers to make the same commitment and to take appropriate actions to ensure compliance with all applicable laws.
We recognise the damage that bribery and corruption do to individuals, companies, industry and society. We fully support the UK initiative to tackle these issues directly whilst supporting trade-led international development. We expect our suppliers not to engage in or tolerate any form of bribery and corruption whatsoever. This applies directly to all interaction between those acting on behalf of the suppliers’ business and all other parties, including individuals, companies, organisations, public officials and government.
We will not tolerate the exploitation of children, their engagement in unacceptably hazardous work and the physical punishment, abuse, or involuntary servitude.
We expect our suppliers to employ no workers under the minimum school leaving age for the country in which they work and to employ no workers under the age of 15 years (or minimum of 14 years of age for those in developing countries as specified in ILO Convention 138.)
We are committed to adhering to the international conventions of the United Nations (UN) and the International Labour Organisation (ILO). In summary we;
- Respect each employee’s rights, dignity, and privacy;
- Treat employees equally and fairly, irrespective of gender, skin colour, race, nationality, background, disabilities, sexual orientation, religion, political beliefs and marital/ civil partner status;
- Ensure no employee is made to work against his or her free will;
- Refuse to tolerate any unfair or unacceptable treatment of employees, including bullying, cruelty, discrimination or sexual harassment;
- Prohibit any kind of offensive language or behaviour that is sexual, intimidating, threatening, abusive or unfair;
- Ensure compliance with applicable laws regarding minimum wage and to provide fair remuneration for all employees;
- Ensure the number of working hours does not exceed the maximum defined in applicable laws;
- Neither favour nor discriminate against members of trade unions or other such employee organisations as far as is legally possible.
We are committed to conducting our business fairly and to:
- Adhere to applicable competition laws.
- Respect the intellectual property rights of other parties.
- Avoid conflicts of interest that may inappropriately affect business decisions and relationships.
As a minimum we expect suppliers of products and services to Greenray to uphold our standards for honest and ethical business. Our Code of Conduct for Suppliers can be found here.

To demonstrate our commitment, we have been assessed by EcoVadis. We are proud to have achieved a gold rating.